
Sunday, November 1, 2009

Introduction -- New Kid on the Block

The nice thing about being the new kid on the blogging block is meeting new people, connecting with some who know the ropes, and some who encouraged me. The recent comments have been kind, and believe me, that helps. The fact that I have joined over 700 other Geneablogger is pretty impressive, it would be nice to follow all of them, but it won't be possible. Some future articles of mine have already been drafted, and I have seen that they are quite similar to others posted, but I guess with so many writers, that is to be expected.

My blog was created back in the summer of 2009, but I didn't write anything...writers block so early in the game. Even before that date, I wrote a couple of guest blogs for Steve Danko in 2006 and 2007, so I already knew how much fun it was to write them. Cheryl Fleming Palmer also received a few. However, I am not a writer, and rather enjoyed having my work corrected by Steve and Cheryl. Here I am on my own, it is a little scary. I at least warned you of my writing capabilities.

Most of my pieces will be from what I experienced through the hobby of genealogy. Not a whole lot about my immediate family as most are deceased such as parents, grandparents and an aunt. As a person who moved 17 different times, from CT to CA to MA to VA to MA to VA to MA, and went to 4 different 4th grades (CA, 2 in CT and 1 in Lexington, MA), I am not lucky to have any childhood friends, and only a few from high school (yes, I went 3 yrs. to one HS and graduated from an other, in a different town). So you see, I have often been the new kid on the block.