
Saturday, November 14, 2009

Surname Saturday - Four Generations of Surnames

The chart below is an introduction to some of my ancestors.  In addition, a little bit of information about my family is given.
My roots are in California, Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, Michigan, and Quebec, Canada.  If anybody has any of these names, please write to my email address.

My grandmother from Canada was in the United States attending Nursing school, although I don't know where, but she met my grandfather at that time, then married. My parents met in New York state, where they attended college. They graduated and married. Dad immediately went into the Navy as an officer during World War II, and was sent to the Philippines. I was born, my grandmother being the nurse at my delivery, and in the hospital that was designed by my grandfather (at least an addition or two). I was nine months old before my father ever saw me. Mom took pictures of me, almost daily to send to him.