
Saturday, December 5, 2009

Saturday Night Genealogy Fun - Dear Genea-Santa

On Saturday, December 5, 2009, Randy Seaver decided to play Genea-Santa.  He wrote (in red) my replies (in green).

"Your mission, should you decide to accept it (cue the Mission: Impossible music), is to write a nice letter to Genea-Santa Here are the directions:

1) Write a letter to Genea-Santa and ask for only ONE thing. It could be hardware, software, a missing family Bible, a record that you desperately want, etc.

Dear Genea-Santa,

How nice of you to give us an extra day to prepare our reply.  My mind has changed many times while trying to decide on One Thing.  Where was your sympathy?  It is like having one M & M or one chip.  Still it has been fun dreaming of something, even if the wish doesn't come true.  However, it was easy to eliminate all the material items, as they could be attainable.  I want all "brick walls' solved, so I can't just single out one to discuss.  So after a lot of thought Genea-Santa, I would love to have lots of free time to do my research, perhaps an additional six hours a day.

2) Tell Genea-Santa what a good genea-girl or genea-boy you've been this past year and give examples.

Genea-Santa, you already know how good I have been, even tho others might go on and on about how good they were, I was the best.  You already know I don't like competing or hooting my own horn, but I have helped about 100 people this year with their genealogy research, And, I love reading your genealogy posts.  What other qualifications do you want to hear about?  Isn't that enough?  In closing, please grant me my wish for an additional six hours of free time, after all, it is free.

3) Exhibit your posts on your own blog, in a Facebook post commenting on this note, or in a Comment to this blog post." 

Genea-Santa, this was posted on my blog, "Life From the Roots."

Thank you, your little genealogy angel.