
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A Year Goes by Fast -- Salt Lake City

In October of 2008, I spent a week at the Family History Library (FHL) at Salt Lake City. It took me several months to prepare for that 3rd visit. Had a great time, and it was in the 70s every day, a very unusual heat wave, which I loved.

But now, I am complaining because I still haven't completed entering sources on what I found. While that trip was far more organized than the others, and I made copies of far less material, it is taking me way too long to go through it and enter into the genealogy software that I use. I am afraid, that if I don't complete this task soon, I will be looking up the same stuff next year when I go to Salt Lake City for the National Genealogical Society's (NGS) annual conference in May. See: One thing I don't want to do, is double research! Would you?

I thought a few pictures would help get me motivated. The above were taken from my room.