
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Tombstone Tuesday - James Bishop

James Bishop
Grove Street Cemetery, New Haven, Connecticut
James was my 7th great-grandfather.

He was lieutenant governor of Connecticut in 1681-83 and deputy governor 1683-1691
Born:  About 1625, Kent, England
Died:  June 24, 1691,  New Haven, Connecticut

A few weeks after posting the above picture, taken in 1999, I noticed that Rob Johnson had a nice marker in front of the above stone. He gave me permission to post them to this blog. See FindAGrave for all the photos.

James Bishop, born in England, came to New Haven 1647 served as secretary & Lt. Governor of the Colony died June 24, 1691 at an advanced age. Samuel Bishop son of James, died Mar. 12, 1747: AE. 81. Samuel Bishop Grandson of James died in 1780: AE. 81.

James was not listed on my Cemetery List because I wasn't organized enough or I just forgot to list him.  That is what happens when your photos are in many files and boxes.

From Wikipedia---
"Bishop was very involved in the early governments of New Haven and Connecticut colonies, serving at various times as deputy to the legislature, colonial secretary, clerk of court, assistant judge, and sergeant in the New Haven militia. Bishop served on the Committee on Indians in 1668 and later served on the wartime council in 1673-1676 that dealt with King Philip's War. Finally, Bishop was lieutenant governor of Connecticut in 1681-83 and deputy governor 1683-1691."