
Monday, March 29, 2010

Madness Monday -- Asking For Help #3

How much space and how much time? Only two questions. Recently, I have been wondering how much can we write per blog, in other words, how much space can we use? Some of my pieces are rather long and while they may not interest most people, I am always hoping somebody will find one of my surnames through Google. I think we all want that, why else are we posting so many surnames. This is my first question. 

My second question has to do with posting something accidentally, because it wasn't for the right date or time. I have been trying to train myself to use the Post Options link first, but every once in a while, I forget, as I did on Sunday. Within minutes I noticed an unedited post was up and I quickly went to edit and changed the date. I thought all was well, until I saw it in the reader. Of course I was embarrassed, and I wanted it and my feelings to fade away. Once somebody hits Publish Post, is there a time frame that I can retrieve it or does it go to the web immediately? Thanks for any help.