
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A Sad Farewell

Today was an unhappy day; it began with my knowing I was going to go to a wake. Not just any wake, but to one of a former genealogy club member, somebody I've know about 12 years. Our genealogy club has about 70 members, of which usually 15 people show up, and more often than not, the same people attend. Our club is pretty unique in that we have five husband and wives, a mother with two daughters and a mother with a daughter and son-in-law. Most of the regulars have been attending as long as my husband and I.
The other day when I was notified that one of the long-time members died suddenly at 59, it was a shock to us all. As written in her obituary, her passion was genealogy and she was a proud member of the genealogy club. How could you not cry? Her love of genealogy was like all of ours. Her mother also did it, and her husband seemed to be interested in it as well. This afternoon, I asked her husband about it, and I think he might try to do it, since my friend was also working on his lineage. We all hate going to a wake alone, but I did, and met two of the couples there, as well as one of the other members. We all knew each other and it was comforting. More members were going this evening.

I think too, my friend would be pleased with the number of her genealogy friends who showed up. We will all miss her.