
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Bits of News, Magazines

Genealogy and Google just seem to go together, then throw in any information about computers.  Now you have three topics that make for an educated person, even if you don't know what the heck they are writing about. You are educated in the sense you read it, but do you understand it?  Sometimes magazines speak our language a bit simpler, so once again, I'm discussing some recent magazines I received.

PC World has a number of articles pertaining to computer security. Family Circle has a nice article called "Backup Plan" covering software, online backups and external drives.  Smart Computing has several that I enjoyed and understood. Included are, "Google, More than a Search Engine," "Cruising In the Cloud" and "Share Your World on the Web" Head-to-Head: Blog Services, a three full page review of five blog hosting services.