
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Chatted with 2 people who met "WDYTYA" Celebrities

Today wasn't my normal type day at a library. Spent the time at the New England Historical and Genealogical Library (NEHGS) in Boston. I wanted to look up Vermont records for two genabloggers and records for me.

However, I was hoping to be able to ask somebody about Sarah Jessica Parker's visit to the Library for her segment filmed there. My friend said that Sarah greeted her and introduced herself, the impression was, Sarah was very nice and friendly. The filming was done during a normal work day, gee I wish I had known, I would have gone in...maybe.

The other person was Gary Boyd Roberts who was on this past Friday's TV show; he was at the New York Historical Society and showed Brooke Shields her tree. During our 20 minute chat, I found out that Brooke was on Broadway and that is why she didn't go to Boston for the filming. Gary mentioned how tall she was and then talked a lot about her tree and his nice treatment he received in New York, and he had no  problem with going to the city. Gary gave me permission to post a page from his recent book with the genealogy of Brooke. See below.

I haven't been to this Library since January, and was surprised at the number of visitors. One was being shown how to use and there were three adults hovered around a computer looking things up on Ancestry. I was told that there were a lot of new members. The staff was very busy.

The look ups for Fenn and Bascom weren't successful. There were no Fenns in the Vermont Vital Records to 1890, there were a lot of Bascoms, but nothing that I thought was for the right family.