
Sunday, April 25, 2010

Good decision for me

If I hadn't canceled my trip to Salt Lake City (SLC) for the week of National Genealogical Society NGS lectures and Family History Library research, I would be on the plane now. However, I changed the November reservations a month ago, and believe it was the best least that is what I tell myself. Why? The main reason is, I wasn't prepared and all the material I found there less than two years ago is still in a pile on my desk, with nothing entered in my computer. I could have gone to the Library and done the same look-ups as in the past.

I love the Family History Center at SLC, I would live there if possible, but when it is too crowded, no thanks. A discussion with DAR and NEHGS librarians and other people made me feel better because they also felt the same way, too many people at one place. Now, I will follow my own advice and order some lectures after the conference, as written in Can't Get to a Conference? The blogging attendees will keep me and others informed of their activities, and I look forward to reading their posts. Granted they will meet new people, see old friends, go out to eat, socialize and have a great time. I will follow along on the computer and hope all of you have a wonderful time. Don't forget to do some research.