
Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sentimental Sunday -- Emily Dickinson Gave us a Reason for a Trip

Emily Dickinson, the poetess, lived her entire life in Amherst, Massachusetts.  I am not a reader of poems, but my husband is.  He is sentimental about her and her poems, I am not.  He knows all about her, I do not. When we learned that her death date anniversary was last week, Saturday, May 15th, we decided to go and visit her house and gravesite the following day, to avoid the crowds of the University of MA graduation and those attending the special events of Emily's death.  Good decision, as the 15th had hundreds of people, our Sunday visit was quiet, almost a little too quiet, we had everything to ourselves. We had never been to Amherst. Since Amherst is a good two hour drive from home, we first stopped to view the Connecticut River.

Stopped at the Bridge of Flowers (an old bridge, now a footpath, with flowers on both sides).

Of course I took photos.

Emily and her family lived in this beautiful house.

We took a seven minute walk to the cemetery, which was very clean and all flowers from the previous day were removed from her tombstone.

Close up of stone, which is almost impossible to take a good photo because of the gate.

As hard as I tried, I couldn't connect any of my Dickinsons to her line.

Stopped at an old restaurant for a meal, and relaxed here in Westminster, MA.