
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Thank you to for the Award

On May 12th I received a huge surprise, that of being listed in MyHeritage.coms Top 100 Genealogy Sites for 2010. The news came early in the day, and I spent the entire day in shock. Every blog I’ve written has come easily, but this one is difficult. I am not an award type person, not competitive and haven't accepted any of the 23 awards I've received in the past from fellow bloggers. That being said, I would be a poor sport for not accepting this one, so from the bottom of my heart, I thank you. Somebody was kind enough to suggest my Life From the Roots, and through their voting, I was selected to be among the 99 others, many of whom I already follow and feel as though I know personally.

Please visit, the home page for the company, and the quick link to the list to the blogs at MyHeritage.coms Top 100 Genealogy Sites. In their letter to me, they stated the following: “Our expert judging panel has set three criteria:

1) high quality content;
2) originality in topic choice, approach and design; and
3) frequently updated content.”