
Saturday, June 26, 2010

Saturday Night Genealogy Fun

Randy Seaver at Genea-Musings has given us his weekly Saturday Night Genealogy Fun challenge for today.  It is: "Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to:
1) Think about the question: Why do I pursue genealogy and family history research? and  2) Tell us about it on your own blog post, in a comment to this blog post, or in a comment on Facebook."

There are too many reasons, so let's begin with the obvious. I want to know who all my ancestors were, and I mean all of them.
I want to be late for just about every appointment, because I need that last bit of information.
I want to be glued to the computer or have my nose in a library book.
I want to starve myself, because I won't get up to eat.
I want to get fat because I won't exercise because I want to be at the computer.
I want to get a sore back, sore hands and have eye problems because of the computer...need to blame the problems on something.
I want a messy house, because other things take priority.
I want a hobby that makes me appear smart.
I want to talk about genealogy and have others look strangely at me.
I want a hobby that doesn't cost too much.
I want to wear Genea-Blogger beads one of these days.
I want my non-genealogy fb friends to see all my fb friends, and think, "she knows a lot of people all over the United States, Canada, and So. Korea."
I want to meet somebody just like me.
I want people to think, "This doesn't sound like Barbara."