
Friday, July 30, 2010

Looking Back

The month of July has been rather busy. Among the happenings not blogged about are shared below.

Tina Lyons of Gen Wish List surprised me with a Follow Friday for my blog.  Thank you Tina.

My cousin, Claire of the Adams coverlet, sent me over 50 tombstone photos.  Besides posting some to Find-A-Grave, I was able to get corrected a few other photos that were mistakenly placed in the wrong cemetery.  All the errors came came to light after Claire actually went to the cemeteries and cleaned around the stones.  She also left flowers!

My above cousin also pointed me in the direction of Library History Bluff Blog when she saw a write up about my librarian gg grandfather.  What a nice surprise.  You never know where your ancestors will show up.

When I typed up the longest obituary I've ever seen on my ancestor, I had no idea that the New York Times had it online!  A week later, after my post, I was looking for something else on google pertaining to that family and came across it.  I think I should use Google more than I do, if I had, I could have saved myself a huge amount of time!

Miriam Robbins Midkiff of the AnceStories: The Stories of My Ancestors  has given me permission to use her Digital Archives and Database for Massachusetts on my home page.  She is doing a listing for each of the 50 states, one per week in alphabetical order.  Please visit her blog for the states already done, and more great articles.

It was time for a change on my blog layout, nothing drastic, as you can see.  Made a number of corrections and updated many old posts, also changed many labels.  One new label is for Blogger Cousins (to enable me to keep track of those bloggers who are related to me), so, if your memory is better than mine, and we are related, could you please let me know. Thanks.  Also, I changed my town and state areas to be listed under Location:, such as Location: Michigan.

I donated three books to the New England Historic and Genealogical Society in Boston.

Travis  LeMaster of  TJL Genes: Perserving Our Family History posted a A Genealogy Clerihew*. He wrote:Looking up the family tree
I thought I caught a glimpse of me
Soon my present will be past
For I will not forever last.

* A humorous or satirical verse consisting of two rhyming couplets in lines of irregular meter about somebody who is named in the verse.