
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tombstone Tuesday - SIMON BRADSTREET of Salem, Massachusetts

Simon Bradstreet
Born:  March 18, 1603/04, of Horbling, Lincolnshire, England
Died:  March 27, 1697, Salem, Essex Co., Massachusetts
See Find-A-Grave site.

He was my 8th great-grandfather.
Burying Point Cemetery, Salem, Essex Co., Massachusetts

Simon's wife, Anne Dudley was buried in Andover, Essex Co., Massachusetts.
See Find-A-Grave site.

From Sidney Perley's book, The History of Salem 1671-1716, Vol. III,  (Salem, Mass., S. Perley, 1924-28).  Pgs. 345-346.  "Upon the raised masonry of the tomb, was placed a slab, bearing the inscription which covered its surface.  Twenty-five years ago, the slab had become so worn by the elements, that only portion of the inscription were decipherable.  Originally, it read as follows, 'SIMON BRADSTREET, armiger, ex ordine senatoris, in colonial Massachusettensi ab anno 1630, usque ad annum 1673.  Deinde ad annum 1679, vice-gubernator.  Denique ad annum 1686, ejusdem coloniae, communi et constanti populi suffragio, GUBERNATOR.  Vir, jucdiio lynceario praeditus, quem nec numma nec honos allexit.  Regis authortatem, et populi liberatem, aequa lance bibavit.  Religione cordatus, vita innocuus, mundum et vicit, et deseruit, 27 die Martii A.D. 1697, annoque Guliel 31 IX et AEt 94.'"