
Saturday, August 14, 2010

White Flower Farm, Litchfield, Massachusetts

 White Flower Farm (website)
Litchfield, Connecticut

I have been to White Flower Farm before this visit, it isn't a farm but a family-owned nursery, with some plants from outside the United States. This is a great place to order bulbs, seeds, and plants of all kinds. Even though it was August 14, 2010, we had a spring-like day, and fortunately, no tourists or shoppers around! It was too early to buy bulbs for fall, tho they had a few to sell. It's a nice place to walk the trails and enjoy all the sights in front of you.

Check out their catalog. When I was into gardening, I ordered from them frequently, usually getting my catalog in January or February, and had a few months to dream about gardening in winter.


My husband Bill posed for a photo.

Our August 2010 program.