
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Looking Back

My Looking Back post is something I do the last day of every month.

In late August, Susan Peterson of Long Lost Relatives surprised me with the Genea-Angel Award.  Since then, I have been trying to decide how to share it with other bloggers. Recently, I've been seeing "thank yous" to those who have left comments at several blogs, so, I asked Susan if she thought I should do it also. Without hesitation, she said, "yes." It is my pleasure to share this darling Genea-Angel Award to the following people. You may copy the link and post to your blog. Many, many thanks for the nice comments you have left at my site this past month. And again, thank you to Susan.

Please visit the below sites, if you haven't yet done so. They are all tops!

Carol  of Reflections from the Fence
Ginger of Genealogy by Ginger's Blog
Jo of Scottish Genealogist
Wendy of New England Genealogy
Susan of Nolichucky Roots
Theresa of Tangled Trees
Michelle of The Turning of Generations
Linda (Lindalee) of Flipside
Heather of Nutfield Genealogy
Randy of Genea-Musings
Michelle of Call Me Shell
Cynthia of  Heritage Zen
Kathy of I Will Remember

Greta Koehl of  Greta's Genealogy Bog for her Follow Friday was kind to include my new blog Flowers From My Area as one of her selections. Thank you very much. Even though flowers and nature have nothing to do with genealogy, I have discovered there are quite a few flower lovers out there. I have taken out my comment section there, so just sit back and enjoy.

My cousin, Claire who lives near Niagara Falls, New York went on a research trip and found three wills for me, two were for my direct ancestors. What a treat. I've yet to analyze them and figure out some names, but I will very soon. This is a project I can't wait to begin. I also received the Report of Separation from the Navy on my father, quite interesting and I look forward to writing about it.  I hope these things are completed by next month.