
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Top Ten -- Hints

Use the same notebook for all your genealogy conference, seminar or lecture notes. (It is fun to go back several years and be reminded of what you were taught.)  Be sure to date it, and write the name of the lecture and speaker's name. Unfortunately, I didn't do that, otherwise, I would have given this person credit. The below 10 Hints were from my notebook.

As I find more hints, from my notes, I will add them to this list.

1. "Genealogy without sources is called junk."

2.  Spinsters can be married; it doesn't mean single, unmarried or an old maid. She is responsible for herself.* Please see Martin Hollick's message in the comments section below.

3.  The word, Consort, can be male or female, husband or wife. It is a companion or partner.

4.  About 25% of men left a will, and 60% had their estate probated.

5.  Newspapers are an excellent source for marriages, especially if a courthouse burned.

6.  A lot of widows remarried with one year.

7.  Wills can be in deed books.

8.  Many public records have wrong spelling.

9.  The settlement of an estate is the most valuable record, because of the names.

10.  Almost all the records in the United States were for men.