
Friday, November 5, 2010

Follow Friday -- My Free Hour, Genealogy Related Of Course

In yesterday's edition of USA Today, there was a small article about how people are going to use their gained hour this weekend. In their survey of 1,000 people, the top replies were sleep, followed by chores (say what?), read, and a lot didn't know or didn't answer.  Obviously, they didn't ask genealogists. We always have better things to do than chores.

So, in thinking about this, I decided to list the many possibilities I can do with my hour. Actually, I would like to pretend my hour begins tomorrow, Saturday. If you are spending your day, like me, you could either be at a library or conference, which is not open or taking place on Sunday. Doesn't it make sense to use your hour then, on Saturday. Can't the New England Historic and Genealogical Library (NEHGS) stay open one extra hour for me? I could even give them two extra hours on Sunday in exchange.

In reality, that isn't going to happen. So, I've decided to make another list, this being my options of possibilities for Sunday. As yet, I don't know when I'll take my hour, but I have a feeling it will be a lot more than 60 minutes.

Using Find and Replace on my genealogy software, I will change all state abbreviations to the name  spelled out. I hate it when people think CA means California, wow, to me it means Canada. So both will be corrected.

Write several blogs, not for next week or the week after, but for the last weeks in December. Then I can relax a bit and enjoy the season, worry-less about posting at that time. It will probably be some cemetery photos or a listing of surnames, but still, the work will be done. It could even be my Looking Back post for the month, but in reality, all I can do is just the title and date. How am I supposed to know what is going to happen in December? If you know, please let me know.

I could continue checking and possibly checking my links, that is a big job, and I'm only a 1/5 of the way through.

Reading blogs is something I enjoy, maybe I'll make a few additional comments especially to the newer bloggers.

If any of you have similar genealogy related plans for your hour, please post to the comment section. I think we all could use some good ideas.