
Monday, March 15, 2010

Madness Monday -- Asking for Help #2

If you live in certain areas of the East Coast, you know that it has been a very rainy, windy and cold weekend. A perfect time to spend the day or days writing your blog, reading others, using new templates to create a new face for your blog, or if you are like me (and I doubt you were), just trying to fix up the old format. What a huge time waster, and I mean hours and hours. I couldn't even get the colors to match. I did, in fact, try the beta format for the new, templates and then in a second it was wiped out. Truth be told, I don't think I saved it. So with the frustration intact, I went back to the old. It is just madness, but there aren't any questions as yet on this topic. Read all about the new version from Blogger Buzz, also, Tom MacEntee wrote about it.  However, even with my failure, I enjoyed seeing some of the newly created designs during the weekend, such as Apple's at Apple's Tree, Midge's at Granite in my Blood, and Heather's at Nutfield Genealogy.

I hope you all like my same, old blog. One quick question, how in the heck do I make my photo go all the way across? Before this new version, it went to within 1" on the right, then I removed it to try again, and I get this small photo.

Les Larrabee of  Bits and Pieces wrote the following to me, as he was trying to leave a comment on my Foote blog, "I can't always post a comment to the type of comment field in your blog and others using that style. I use firefox for a browser but Explorer doesn't work either. Do you ever have that problem?" Later, he provided more information, "I just tried it using Explorer and got the same results but this time it gave a message that the comment would not process. And again it's not just your blog, its any with your style comment field. The google blogger style and the one that asks for and email address both work OK. It does drive me crazy so it fits Monday madness" And, he is asking me? Is there anybody who can answer his question?  Thanks Les.  I seem to receive quite a few comments, so I'm not sure what is going on.  Can anybody help Les? And, thanks Les, great question.

Happy follow up.  Thank you to Apple at Apple's Tree.  She was able to resize my blog photo, and I'm very happy.  It is almost like having a "Brick Wall" come down, the blog looks normal!