
Friday, March 19, 2010

Follow Friday -- Facebook or Google

If somebody had asked me which of the two, Facebook or Google, was getting the most hits per week, I would have said Google without a doubt.

Imagine my surprise when, I read in the Boston Globe the other day that "Facebook surpasses Google in US hits" wow, I thought what does this mean?  Of course, I know what it means, but what about down the road? I can imagine Google starting up a social network site of its own, (not the new Buzz, but something totally different) and Facebook will offer a blogging format. Now a days, you shouldn't get too used to anything on the net, because it will change soon.  This is a little news item, nothing more.  I just thought it was interesting.  So for Follow Friday, I will be following whatever news there is on Facebook and Google, and may the best site win.