
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Bits of News

Since I am an avid reader of newspapers and magazines, I often find something I think others might enjoy reading.  I don't necessarily agree with what is written. Anything I post will always pertain to genealogy or something technical that we can all use (if I can figure it out first). Recently, I did a short piece on Facebook or Google. I also did several pieces on "Who Do You Think You Are?" and quite a few people responded. It was interesting to read what the critics in the entertainment field thought. One was a Genealogy software review from a magazine and the other for the above show. I had two others, but took them down.

However, I think some of the articles are interesting and here is the most recent. A little background first. Three weeks ago, I copied the review of WDYTYA? from Entertainment Weekly, an awful review it was. They gave the show a D. A lot of us were upset.  Fast forward to the recent issue, they give this Friday's show a "TV What To Watch" a nod. So they have gone from a negative to a positive. (I wonder if the ratings have anything to do with it.)

Tombstone Tuesday - POOLE, 1st two generations in Massachusetts

Jonathan Poole
Born: Abt. 1634, Middlesex Co., Massachusetts
Died: December 24, 1678, Reading (now Wakefield), Middlesex Co., Massachusetts

Jonathan Poole married Judith.
They were my 9th great-grandparents.

The below photo shows the detail of the headstone above, the photo is from the book, Graven Images.

Footstone for Jonathan Poole

Both Father and son buried at
Old Burying Ground Cemetery, Wakefield, Middlesex Co., Massachusetts
Jonathan Poole, son of first Jonathan
Born: February 28, 1666/67, Reading, Middlesex Co., Massachusetts

Died: May 28, 1723, Reading, Middlesex Co., Massachusetts

Jonathan Poole was married to Bridget Fitch
They were my 8th great-grandparents.