
Thursday, March 25, 2010

52 Weeks to Better Genealogy -- Challenge 12

This week's 52 Weeks to Better Genealogy topic written by Amy Coffin is for Week 12 is: Check out the websites for the Society of American Archivists (SAA), ARMA International, and the American Library Association (ALA). Genealogists can benefit from the educational opportunities and publications of other information-based organizations. You may not be an archivist, records manager, or librarian, but you share the same interests. Look at the events these associations hold. Find the books they publish and see if you can request them through your library via Inter-Library Loan. You may also want to check out your state’s (or country’s) library association. If you’re a genealogy blogger, write about your impressions of one or more of these organizations. This challenge runs from Saturday, 20 March 2010 through Friday, 26 March 2010.

Amy, I was up for this one, being an avid library patron and I've known several archivists quite well. I checked all the sites including tabbed items. I never heard of ARMA and was quite interested in that site, the other two I was familiar with. But the thing I enjoyed the most was checking out my ancestor's name at the American Library Association (ALA) and found nine hits.

William Frederick Poole served as 2nd president of the ALA, from 1885-1887. In the American Libraries Magazine I found, "William Frederick Poole wrote: “As a means of simply earning money, I do not recommend library work. Take up anything else.”