
Friday, April 23, 2010

DNA Day, Dr. Sykes and Me

Last fall, I wrote about meeting with Dr. Sykes and shared that meeting with you in a piece called Kathryn Hepburn and My DNA. Just the other day I received an email from him stating he would like to meet with me to go over my results.  What a surprise, since I didn't know I was going to get any results. Oh my, what would they be, I wondered.  Because of the volcano eruption in Iceland, he wasn't sure about the flight situation, but as it turned out, he was on one of the first planes that left London, and we were able to meet today.

Normally, I would have shared this post in my "Looking Back" post for April 30th, but there is a bit of urgency tonight.  It is because today is DNA Day, and the 23andme Company is offering their most expensive DNA test kit at $99, a savings of $400.  This wonderful offer is only available today, so I am giving you a little over six hours to take advantage of it.  My husband ordered one, once he heard about my results tonight.

In a nutshell with mine, I found out that out of 25 people in our group, I am one of two who have 100% European ancestry. The other thing I was interested in was the medical information, fortunately, I was quite pleased. He gave me all the reasons for not sharing it with me, but I was pretty firm on that aspect, I wanted to know.

Before I dash this off to you, we talked about "Who Do You Think You Are" and he is quite familiar with it, since the show began in England. He asked who was on tonight, and when I said, "Susan Sarandon," he mentioned that he had done her DNA a few years ago.

Dr. Sykes is writing a book based on the recent findings from the DNA results, and I gave him permission to use my name, instead of Kathryn Hepburn.  NOTE: He did not use any of the names he gave us, because of privacy issues of the movie icons.