
Friday, April 30, 2010

Looking Back on the Month

My new cousin, Claire, through the John Adams line in Batavia, New York sent me a photo showing a coverlet his daughter Betsey E. Addams made (my blog of April 15).  Then Claire sent me a link to the Henry Ford museum with a coverlet exhibit. Claire wrote, "The coverlet of Clarissa Garter is the same as I have in red! Tyler is listed in Genesee County as a weaver. So interesting!!"

What this all means is, there is a lot of information about this weaver.  Initially, I thought Betsey made the coverlet herself, but now it appears she didn't. And as to the misspelling of her last name Adams to Addams, I like to think the weaver or his helper who made the mistake!

The 'Coverlet Eagle' design was also on a stamp. There is more information about the designer / weaver, Harry Tyler as well.

Sherry wrote because I had given her an extra brother in her genealogy..., she found my tree online and kindly let me know.  Clearly there was an error on my part. After several exchanges of emails, I sent her over 12 pages of information, some of which came to me from her late aunt about 10 years ago! Turns out Sherry and I are 5th cousins.

Jerry wrote after seeing my Davis genealogy posted on the internet. He proved me with a private genealogy manuscript he had commissioned about 20 years ago from a genealogist! I love this part from his email, "By the way, what is a blog and how do I access it? I am 72 years young and not up on all the latest terminology." In many ways, he sounds like me.

Two other connections will be covered in separate blogs.

As you can see, I've been busy, and I've been extremely lucky in receiving wonderful bits of genealogical information. In addition, I helped about six other people. The photo was taken on my last trip to Salt Lake City, a nice reminder of the trip, and I hope all those there now are having a fabulous time.

I intend to do less writing during the summer and try to lower my piles of stuff. All my Tuesday Tombstones and Saturday Surnames are done through August. But, I won't be sitting back and doing just the "piles," I'll continue to read all the blogs and work on getting O R G A N I Z E D.

"'You can't really know who you are and where you're going unless you know where you came from.' Bruce Springsteen, receiving an Ellis Island Family Heritage Award yesterday in New York." From The Boston Globe April 22, 2010.