
Sunday, May 9, 2010

"I live in Kalamazoo, Michigan"

Last month, I received a wonderful email from Terry Kott, part of which stated, "I live in Kalamazoo, Michigan. In the course of my own family research, I was searching through old books at my grandfather's farm outside of Fulton, Michigan and came across an old ledger that I believe belonged to Stephen Eldred of Climax, Michigan. It covers the years 1837 to 1850+.  In it are entries for a couple of families in your genealogy, KELSEY and SCRAMBLING.

1) George Scrambling for the years-1837, 1838, 1840, 1841
2) Silas Kelsey-1838, 1839
3) Timothy Kelsey-1838, 1839
4) George Schrambling-1840, 1842
5) David Scrambling-1841, 1842, 1843, 1844
6) George Schramling-1844, 1845, 1846

The entries are very interesting to look at and see what transactions, what life was like back then. I thought that you would like copies of each page for each one of your family members. It has a page for Debt (What the person owed), and a page for Credit (What the person was owed).
p.s. -- I found you on Rootsweb, and then found your blog."  In a subsequent email, he mentioned there were also pages for DANIEL LAY and ALEXANDER two direct lines! Alexander Farmer is a "brick wall" of mine, so I did a lot of cheering.  Alexander's roots are my 15 year old "brick wall" and here was something concrete, other than a few censuses. These are the first ledger pages for anybody in my family, and now I have two, so they are indeed very meaningful. I am not a mother, but if I were, this would be a wonderful gift.

Terry did all that for me and we aren't even related!  I can see that the blog is helping me with connections and I'm glad Terry had the initiative to write me and the time to send the 18 scanned images from the ledger that Sunday afternoon.

Alexander purchased the following items during those years: wheat, wool, port, use of a horse for 1 day, corn, and one fat sheep.  His work included: husking corn, shearing sheep, threshing and hewing.  The first entries were for January 1843 and the last was for March 1846. A nice snapshot into their lives for a few years.  Fortunately, I was able to place all the above individuals too.

Note: Terry mentioned that he let Western Michigan University Archives copy the Ledger.