
Monday, May 17, 2010

Bits of News

The May issue of Smart Computing has at least three articles that might be of interest to genealogists. I have mentioned this magazine several times in the past.  Nobody knows more than me, how expensive they can be, and I subscribe to quite a number including a fair share of genealogy publications. I have always thought that if you want to read it, and don't want to subscribe, just check out your library.
This issue has "To Tweet Or Not to Tweet?" a three page article, "Gmail Goodies," and "Roll Your Own Blog with Tumblr."

You would think that with all the magazines I subscribe to, I would be smarter in the technology aspect of computers.  I even had my first computer class at the Pentagon, no less, many years ago. So far back, that we had a tour of their computer center and the computers were five feet tall or higher! But, it was genealogy that interested me, and now the two have messed! Amazing how that turned out.