
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Tombstone Tuesday -- Cemeteries (How could I not take these)

Last month, my husband and I took a little trip to New Hampshire and Quebec, Canada and came upon three lovely cemeteries.  Of course, a quick stop to check out a rainbow proved to be the best thing.  I always wanted a rainbow shot with a cemetery in it.

These two shots were taken in Colebrook, New Hampshire.

East Hereford, Compton County, Quebec
(In my haste to get photos uploaded, I deleted the one with the sign, but you can see it via the link above.)

A few miles up the road, another nice cemetery.

East Hereford, Compton County, Quebec

Within 3 minutes, we went from New Hampshire, to Vermont to Canada.
Vermont on the left and New Hampshire on the right.
The beginning of the Connecticut River.
Connecticut River in Massachusetts (further south of above).