
Friday, August 20, 2010

Follow Friday -- Follow the Surname

When I received the marriage certificate with the big ugly red stamp, and copied off-center I was a little upset. But then I read it. Darn, this wasn't to my liking, my great-grandparents had the same 
I probably stewed about it, then went on to other things, all the while angry for the mistake.  But, there was no mistake.  A good deal later, I discovered that Charles Clarence Poole and Anna "Annie" Poole were related, they were second cousins once removed!  That discovery made for a quick lineage for Annie, as I only had to add a few lines, then merge her file into her husband's.  Even when I used FamilyTreeMaker to calculate their relationship, they don't show up as husband and wife, but as second cousins once removed.
If you ever come across something like this, you might be luckier than unlucky.  And, don't always assume the certificate is wrong!

Many years later, I now can see the record online at Family Search through their Records Search Pilot option (the link isn't exact for some reason, but the name is #3, so click on that).  If I had waited 13 years, I wouldn't have had to wait for the snail mail, pay for the copy or receive a copy with the red stamp. However, this one is also off center as well.  Can't do anything about that...