
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Top Ten -- Sayings

My grandmother collected sayings, she cut them out of magazines and pasted them into a little notebook. I tend to cut them out, or write them on scraps of paper, and save them in several places. A few months ago, I believe Greta wrote some of hers in her Greta's Genealogy Bog (I can't locate the post, Greta, please give me the link), and now I have decided to do it as well. There are now more than ten below, and the list may grow.

If you like, you may write your own favorite sayings in the comments section.

"Don't let the minute spoil the hour."  Ted Joans

"Always tell the truth--it's the easiest thing to remember."  David Mamet

"Things only have the value that you give them." - Moliere

"Some things don't mean anything."  Jeffrey D. Bernhard

"Any knowledge that doesn't lead to new questions quickly dies out."  Jean-Marie Gustave de Clezio

"Our beginnings never know our ends."  Harold Pinter

"Happiness is the one thing in our lives others cannot bring." Andre Acinan

"Statistics are no substitutes for judgment."  Henry Clay

"No one can afford to assume that someone else will solve their problems."  The Dalai Lama

"The majority prove their worth by keeping busy. A busy life is the nearest thing to a purposeful life."  Eric Hoffer

"The secret of creativity is knowing how to hide your sources."  Albert Einstein (via Ivanka Trump / Twitter)

"I have always imagined that paradise will be a kind of library."  Jorge Luis Borges