
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Tombstone Tuesday -- TEN EYCK (3 Generations) Quebec, Canada

The Ten Eyck Cemetery, is located on private property in an Apple Orchard in Dunham, Missisquoi Co., Quebec, Canada. Three generations of direct ancestors of mine were buried here. Because of their relationship to me, and their history, this cemetery discovery was one of my favorite thrills in all my discoveries. It sure helped that the family has been on this land for over 200 years.
Jannette Dumont w/o Hendrick Ten Eyck (stone of his missing)
Born: May 01, 1761, Somerset Co., New Jersey
Died: June 01, 1838, Dunham, Missisquoi Co., Quebec, Canada

Their daughter, Jane Ten Eyck
Born:  July 08, 1799, Quebec, Canada
Died:  March 01, 1875, Dunham, Missisquoi Co., Quebec, Canada

Her husband, Andrew TenEyck 
(they were 2nd cousins)
Born:  June 06, 1786, Prob. Albany, Albany Co., New York
Died:  September 19, 1831, Dunham, Missisquoi Co., Quebec, Canada

Their son,  Henry
Born:  August 04, 1818, Dunham, Missisquoi Co., Quebec, Canada
Died:  June 28, 1886, Dunham, Missisquoi Co., Quebec, Canada

His wife, Caroline Rosenberger
Born:  September 21, 1823, Frelighsburg, Missisquoi Co., Quebec, Canada
Died:  December 09, 1866, Dunham, Missisquoi Co., Quebec, Canada