
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Looking Back

This month I want to thank three individuals who awarded me the Ancestor Approved Award, and in doing so, I have chosen something they have written from their "What They Learned."

From Jo of Images Past, wrote:  "Enlightened to find that my grandparents were not married by my grandad’s father, who was a Minister – it turns out that they ran away to Gretna Green to get married, probably due to the fact that my granny was pregnant.  Oops-a-daisy!" (I loved this because, as a genealogist, you should know about Gretna Green.)

From Michelle Roos Goodrum of The Turning of Generations, wrote:  "There are so many ancestors in my tree who were farmers. They contributed to the settlement of our great country by moving west and making a living off the land." (I'm a bit envious, because I didn't have anybody move west, at least until much later.)

From Cynthia Shenette of Heritage Zen, wrote:  "I am humbled by the circumstances that lead my great-grandmother Lucie Touchette to marry my great-grandfather Francois Chenette. Why would a young woman of 20 agree to become the fourth wife of a man 34 years her senior and already the father of 16 children? I don't know, but I want to find out. Was it a love match? I suspect not. Someone had to to take care of all those kids..."  (I want to know too.)

This is the first month I haven't taken a photo of a historical society, but as soon as winter is over and the travels begin, I will continue to post them.

Many bloggers will be writing their reviews of "Who Do You Think You Are?" which begins this coming Friday evening. I hope many non-bloggers will also watch this interesting series. Vanessa Williams will be featured, and I'm looking forward in hearing about her ancestors. Professional genealogist, Kathleen Brandt of A3Genealogy will be on the show with Tim McGraw, and I am anxious in seeing her. Kathleen you are a star now.

Don't forget, you have less than a week to listen to Tom MacEntee's lecture on "Google For Genealogists," a FREE webinar on LegacyFamilyTree. This is available to all, I saw it once, and need to watch again, it is that good. Regarding the lecture, there is a short introduction first, and don't forget to print out Tom's four-page handout.

I'm taking a little break from this blog. I am working on four new ones, each covering a surname of mine: Poole, Scrambling, Ten Eyck and Westover, the titles and the first posts are done! In the meantime, if you are hating your winter, you might enjoy some flower and nature photos at my Flower Blog.