
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Looking Back

The One Lovely Blog Award was given to me by Deb Ruth of Adventures in Genealogy Blog. Thanks Deb. Please check out her site, if you haven't already seen it. I especially love her articles about Baltimore.

This past week was spent doing a lot of thinking about the 1 1/2 years I have been blogging, non-stop. I decided to take a little break. My plan is to do far less blogging for a few months, instead, I'll work on my family history, make more trips to libraries, and read your posts.

Dick Eastman wrote Archaeological Dig Reveals Lifestyles of Early Irish Settlers in my city of Lowell, Massachusetts. He also lived here as well, so we both claim the city.

Continuing with my Historical Society photos, I discovered another one recently in Harvard, Massachusetts. When I went to take the photo, I saw that it shares the building with the Still River Baptist Church... smart utilization of the space.