
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Ernest Luther Cross of Vermont -- Obituary

"Ernest Luther Cross passed peacefully away at his home at Northfield Falls early Thursday morning, April 22, after a long illness of covering a period of nearly three years. He was the son of the late Albert and Lucy Ann (Burnham) Cross, and was born April 20, 1868, on the well known farm at the Falls village where his maternal grandfather, Luther S. Burnham settled in 1840. With the exception of a few years spent in Springfield, Mass., practically all his life has been spent in Northfield Falls. While quite a young man he started in general merchandising, and in 1897 during ex-President McKinley's administration was appointed village postmaster, a position he has retained ever since, serving the community to the best of his ability. He was a member of the Methodist church at the Falls, and much interested in its welfare.

At the time of his death Mr. Cross was president of the Community Club, being one of its charter members, and he was ever interested in the welfare and progress of his home place. He is survived by his wife, Annie G. Cross, six children, Robert of Northfield Falls, Philip of Pittsburg, Penn., Mrs. Genevieve Cahill of Lawrence, Mass., Mrs. Dorothy Sistare of Durnham, North Carolina, Gerald and Sadie who live at home, and also 5 grandchildren, one brother H. N. Cross, a sister Mrs. John Riley of New Orleans, La., and three cousins, Luther Burnham Johnson of Randolph, Mrs. W. E. Terrill of Burlington and Mrs. Maud DePutron of Miami, Florida.

The funeral services, impressive and beautiful were held at his late residence, Thursday afternoon, Rev. G. H. Redding of Montpelier officiating assisted by Rev. W. C. Arnold, the local pastor. Burial took place in the family lot in the Falls cemetery, the pall bearers being his three sons, Robert, Philip and Gerald, and son-in-law, Thomas H. Cahill."

From the Northfield News, April 29, 1924
Thanks to Larry McGrail (cousin) for sharing this obituary.
Ernest is my second cousin, 4x removed.