
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Obituary -- Daniel Jackson Schramling of Iowa

From Vici Beach Paper, Vici, Oklahoma
July 3, 1939

Daniel Jackson Schramling

Daniel Jackson Schramling was born in Sabula, Iowa, on September 5, 1856, and departed this life at his home in Vici, Oklahoma, June 28, 1939, at the age of 82 years, 9 months and 23 days. 

His early life was spent in Iowa.

He was united in marriage to Marie J. Higginbotham, in Griswold, Iowa, July 4, 1879. To this union were born six children, Myrtle, Charley E., Avery, Jessie, Margaret, and Daniel Frost. He and his family moved to Byron, Nebraska in 1885. At the opening of the Cherokee Strip, September 18, 1893, he made the run, staking a claim near Garber, Oklahoma, and on March 10, 1894, he came with his family to establish a home. In January, 1905, he moved his family to Vici, Oklahoma, where he has since made his home, living a part of the time on his stock ranch near Vici. The later years of his life were spent at his home in Vici.

He was a true pioneer from pioneer stock, his family being identified with early American pioneers since 1706.

In his early years, he took an active interest in Lodge work. He was a charter member of the I. O. O. F. and Rebekah Lodge at Garber, Oklahoma. He later transferred to Vici, Lodge No. 517, and several years ago he was presented with a twenty-five year jewel by the Grand Lodge of Oklahoma.

He had a wonderful personality which endeared him to his family, and made for him staunch friends wherever he lived.

He leaves to mourn his departure two sons and three daughters; Mrs. William Hartz, Covington, Oklahoma; C. E. Scramling, Vici, Oklahoma; Mrs. R. H. Speck, Perry, Oklahoma; Mrs. L. R. Pierce, Seiling, Oklahoma; and D. F. Scramling, Nickerson, Kansas. Also, twelve grandchildren, six great-grandchildren, one sister, Mrs. E. M. Traver of Sharon, Oklahoma; two brothers, E. H. Scramling, Sharon, Oklahoma; and P. H. Scramling, Woodward, Oklahoma; besides a multitude of friends and neighbors who will sorely miss his passing.

He was preceded in death by his beloved wife, Marie J., on March 27, 1932; his son, Madison Avery, on June 21, 1939; and also one brother and sister.

Funeral services were held at the Vici Church of Christ Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, with Rev. C. Forbes officiating, assisted by Rev. Jones of Sharon.

Interment was made in Sunnyside cemetery under the direction of the Shaw Funeral Home.
Daniel was my 2nd cousin, 4 times removed.
I found the obituary at the DAR Headquarters in Washington, DC (in the file of his daughter's application paper).