
Sunday, October 2, 2011

Why Did They Want to Be Found? Sentimental Sunday

Did my grandmothers decide it was time they wanted to be found? It seems unbelievable that I received photos of their final resting places in the same week, after 21 years for grandmother Poole and 19 years for step-grandmother Edna! It's been a very sentimental week, I couldn't be happier.

It's strange how things turn out, last summer I wrote two posts about my grandmothers, one "A Step-grandmother Connection" and "What Would You Do?" (as a follow up to my "Request for Help") in which I asked for help in getting photos of my grandparent's graves.

Happy ending and Happy dance, thanks to two wonderful women.

Why didn't I know where my step-grandmother was buried? Rather simple, she died 11 years after my grandfather, and moved in with her son, then moved to Florida. I simply lost contact with her, and assumed she was buried where she Florida. My new found friend, Claudia, who is related to Edna was determined to find the location, and with the help of a Find-A-Grave volunteer, was able to locate her grave.

As for my grandparents, I have known since 1999 where they were buried, but there was no way to get a photo. They are in Illinois, I am in Massachusetts, quite a distance away. A few months ago, I called the cemetery to relinquish my rights to two available burial spots in their lot, and expressed my desire for a photo. Fortunately, employee, Jeanne Brunette, Planning Advisor, listened and within a few days, I had the photo!

It was quite a week of celebrating my grandmothers (and one grandfather). I look forward to Tombstone Tuesday, where I will be posting both of their tombstones.