
Sunday, January 2, 2011

Your Top Ten -- Not My Top Ten

As a little twist on the annual Top Ten most popular blogs for 2010. I've decided not to list mine but, welcome readers to post their top 10 or top 5 OF THEIR OWN posts in the comment section. As times goes on, I will move them up to this blog. There are now 18 entries, so there is lots to read, not just for now, but for when you have time in the coming weeks. I'm asking for your title and link only. If you already posted to your own list, you can do it here as well.   Bring on 2011. Happy New Year everybody. (Note: My spacing might be off, but that is due to copying what was submitted.)

From Susan Petersen at Long Lost Relatives:
1. Tribute to my Mom
2. What if Your Ancestor Was an Axe Murderer
3. Success Stories: When the Pieces Come Together
4. The Bellinger Family History as Told by John William Bellinger
5. Batter Up
6. Success Story: Petersen-Jeremiasen immigration record
7. Sunday Supper - homemade ice cream
8. If You Can Read This Thank a Teacher
9. Create Your Own Genealogy Conference

From Susan at Nolichucky Roots:
1.-2. Orphaned and Widowed, Part I      (continues to Part II)
3. Treasure Chest Thursday: What they kept
4. Once upon a time or Why Uncle Vasil firebombed the church
5. Thanksgiving: Our American Story

Elyse Doeflinger said...
Hey Barbara! Here is the link to my top posts!  Elyses Genealogy Blog

Carol said...
OK, Barbara, I did a post for ya  Reflections From the Fence

Joan Miller said....
Thanks Barbara! Luxegen Genealogy is my blog and I would like to share some posts that brought in new cousin connections this year. Blogging does make genealogy connections!
1. My Grandmother was a Blue Tooner
2. Surname Saturday: Wilson Scotland to Canada
3. Finding the MILLER branches in New Brunswick

Hummer (Frances) of Branching Out Through the Years submitted five blogs, and they can be seen at this link. She also mentioned Carol and me, so if you want to read that, you'll need to go here Top Favorite Posts.

Jennifer / IrishEyesJG wrote: 
Thanks for posting these. Carol suggested I add my URL. I write, On a flesh and bone foundation': An Irish History. This was a really nice exercise; I enjoyed revisiting these posts. My post of Most Popular Posts.

Nancy of My Ancestors and Me wrote:
Here are my top ten, a few of which are readers' favorites and some that were ignored by readers.
1. Coal Miners in My Family
2. Refreshing an Indelible Image
3. Raymond - An Unusual Christmas Memory
4. How His Surname Passed Away
5. Student Nurse, Registered Nurse
6. yes That Engage the Viewer
7. Elizabeth
8. My Father's Desk
9. Like Mother, LIke Daughter
10. A Kind and Generous Woman

Cynthia Shenette of Heritage Zen wrote:
1. Advent Calendar, Food: What the Dickens, Or How to Blow Up a Duck 
2. The Stories My Grandmother Told Me
3. Meditation: The Strength of Ordinary Women 
4. Where They Lived: Every Address Tells a Story
5. COG 97: Researching "The Coldbrook Tragedy" (Part 1 of 4) 
6. Reflecting on My American Experience This Thanksgiving 
7. A Matter of Habit: Solving a Mystery

Bill West of West in New England sent his link to his Top 10 favorites.

Dru Pair of Find Your Folks sent her link to her Top 6 favorites.

Liz of My Tapley Tree...and its Branches submitted her Top 5 favorites.
I have a new blog: I just started it in November, but I've already made 39 posts!
1. Sympathy Saturday
2. A Place in Our Family
3  Wednesdays Child - Michael Edward Tapley
4. Treasure Chest
5. Wordless Wednesday

Pat O'Donnell Kuhn of Touching Family History submitted her Top 5 favorites.
1. Sundays Obituary - George C. Vanbilliard
2. SNGF - Your Very Best 2010
3. Thriller Thursday - Sad Case of Poisoning
4. Sentimental Sunday - Mom and Dad
5. Sisters

Becky Wiseman of Kinexxions submitted her Top 6 favorites.

Brenda of Journey to the Past listed her favorites.
Barbara, it looks like you have a hit with this idea! I chose my fav 5:
5. Ancestor Biography of David Watt and continued
4. Sorting out Henry Glover
3. Veteran's Day-My Father's Service
2. Hattie's Bible
1. Tombstone Tuesday-German P.O.W's