
Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Best Blog Hints

There are 1778 genealogy blogs on Tom MacEntee's GeneaBlogger list as of March 5, 2011! When I began blogging, in October 2009, there were about 700. What a lot of people blogging about genealogy or history. And why do some blogs get a lot of traffic and others don't, yet they are both writing pretty much about the same thing? Maybe some of the hints from my previous post or the ones from below might help you, and you don't have to blog about genealogy, they would apply to any topic.

On February 20th I posted The Best Blog Hints. These were not my ideas but were taken from various sources, but I picked the ones I liked and tried to follow. Quite a few readers made comments with additional ideas, you might enjoy some of them.

Stories are More Important than Sales

Ask for Comments

Be Original in Content

Be personal, but not too Personal

Determine the Goal of your About Page

Every day, I receive an email from ProBlogger with Blog Tips (, I've been a subscriber for over a year and the posts are written by bloggers. The best thing is, I usually know what they are talking about.

Today's blog was titled 7 Good Things that Blogging Brings. It was so good, that I felt this was the perfect time to post my Part 2. The newsletter is FREE, it is always informative and fun to read.

A few other good hints about blogging:

Plan the Blog; Blog the Plan

How to Create a Successful Blog (additional hints from this YouTube video)