
Sunday, March 27, 2011

First Man Married in Utah -- Westover - Sunday Obituary

Charles Beal Westover was my 2nd cousin, 5 times removed.  See FindAGrave for copy of cemetery stone, and death certificate.

"Charles Westover, Sr.
First Man Married in Utah Passes Away
Charles Westover, Sr. passed peacefully away in this city at about 11:30 a.m. Monday, Nov. 3, 1919, of the infirmities of old age. He managed to get about until the day before he died, getting out on to the porch of his home to get his photograph taken, along with his wife on the Friday preceding his death.

Charles Westover, Sr., was born at Licking, Ohio, Nov. 25, 1827, a son of Alexander and Electa Westover. His mother and brother joined the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and went to Winter quarters, Charles accompanying them and being baptized into the church at Winter Quarters by Apostle Erastus Snow in the spring of 1848. He crossed the plains in Capt. Brigham Young’s company and it was while crossing the plains that he met his wife, Eliza Ann Haven, who was loading oxen when he first met her. 

Mrs. Westover, whose memory is still very keen, relates what she considers the most exciting incident during the long toilsome journey as follows: The company was encamped near the Platte River when a very large herd of buffalo, estimated at between four and five thousand came to the river to drink. The whole company were afraid that this vast number of animals might stampede in their direction and felt considerably relieved when they left. When arriving in Utah Mr. Westover settled in Great Salt Lake City. 

When Apostle Erastus Snow was about to leave on a mission for Denmark in the fall of 1849, he asked young Westover to take charge of his place while he was away, and advised him to get married. Westover and Miss Haven were agreeable and they were married by President Brigham Young in Apostle Erastus Snow’s house on Oct. 14, 1849. 

They were the first couple to be married in Utah and celebrated their 70th Anniversary of their wedding day on Oct. 14th this year. 

Of this marriage there were 11 children, seven of whom are living, also 45 grandchildren, 67 great grandchildren, and two great great grandchildren. The children are Charles Westover Jr., of Washington; Mrs. L. Redd, of Bluff, San Juan Co.; Mrs. H. A. Gracey of San Francisco, CA,; who is here taking care of her parents; Mrs. L. S. conger of this city; William A. Westover of Washington; L. B. Westover of Lewiston, Utah; and Mrs. A. A. Paxman of Washington. 

Besides this family a second wife and family are living at Huntington, Utah, they are: Mrs. Mary Shumway Westover, wife; two sons George and Alberto; and two daughters, Mrs. Julia Rowley and Mrs. Louisa Johnson. 

Mrs. Eliza Westover is the only person living who received her endowments in the Nauvoo Temple. She is 90 years old and enjoys good health; she spends most of her time knitting; her memory is keen, but she is deaf to a considerable extent. While her husband was engaged in the Indian War in the early days she melted lead in a spoon and made the bullets which he used. 

Mr. Westover was granted an Indian War pension in Jun, 1918. 

Mr. and Mrs. Westover came to Saint George in the fall of 1861, being called to the Dixie Mission to settle this country. They moved to Pinto in 1869 and stayed there 13 years, moving thence to Washington where they resided until three years ago when they made their home here. All the children by the first wife except Lewis were here with their father when he passed away. 

Mr. Westover was of a kindly disposition and a cheerful temperament. He suffered considerably toward the last with severe pains in his chest, but bore up with fortitude and looked longingly toward the end when he would go to meet his reward. He was faithful to the end and sought a glorious home in the great beyond. 

Funeral services will be held in the tabernacle this afternoon."

Obituary of Charles Westover.  Permission granted to use photo by Travis Elder (author of article with obituary).