
Monday, April 4, 2011

Amanuensis Monday -- Ratification of Will of Moses Westover

The 1809 will of Moses Westover was posted March 14, 2011.

Transcription of 
Ratification by Elizabeth Holmes, Widow of Moses Westover
From files of Notary Leon Lalanne,
St. Armand, Quebec

Notary Leon Lalanne
5 Mar 1827
Film #500.62

Before Notary E. Gray (no date)
John Westover deposited a document for lot #9
Caldwell Manor - Missisquoi Bay
By Henry Caldwell
(E. Gray stopped work in 1798)

5 March 1827
By Elizabeth
Holmes Widow
Moses Westover

Be it known and remembered that on the Fifth day of March, in the year of our Lord, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty Seven; Before this Subscribing Notary Public, residing in St. Armand in the District of Montreal, in the Province of Lower Canada, personally appeared Elizabeth Holmes, of the Township of Sutton, in the said District, widow of Moses Westover, late of Sutton aforesaid, Gentleman, deceased, which said Elizabeth exhibited to the said Notary an authentic Copy of the Last Will and Testament of the said late Moses, dated the Twenty Second day of July AD One Thousand Eight Hundred and Nine executed before [crossed out: "the"] Louis Barbeau, Notary Public, and certain Witnesses, which said Will the undersigned Notary, in the presence of the Witnesses hereinafter named read to the said Elizabeth, who declared to have well understood its contents and to be [crossed out: "the"] content & satisfied with every the provisions [crossed out "th"] & dispositions therefore consents and agrees that it be executed according to the intent & meaning of the Testator, and declares[d?] further that whereas Stephen Westover, her son, late of Sutton aforesaid, Esquire, hath departed this life, and was by the said late Moses, his father, constituted his residuary Devise and Legatee, and by the said Will enjoined to fulfill and perform certain charges and conditions therein set forth, which since his decease Dorinda Ball his Widow hath undertaken & actually commenced performing the [word "the" written twice] said Elizabeth therefore doth hereby voluntarily declare that she is willing and even desirous that the said Dorinda for herself and the Children issue of her marriage with the said late Stephen avail herself of every the dispositions of the said Will which were meant for the benefit and advantage of the said late Stephen, the Same as he would have done if he had survived his said father.

Moreover, by the request of the said Elizabeth, the said Notary next read to [crossed out: "the said"] her an authentic copy of a Deed executed under private Signatures, dated the 21st day of October last past and afterwards, to wit, the 23d day of the same month, deposited in the office of the said Notary, by which the said late Moses Westover hath transferred to and vested in the said Dorinda Ball, in trust for Roswell Westover and Stephen Egbert Westover, his sons, minors, all his the said Moses Westover's Rights, Titles and Claims whatsoever in and to the equal Southwesterly, Southeasterly & Northeasterly quarters or fourth part[s?] of Lot Number fifteen in the tenth Range of Lots in the Township of Sutton aforesaid, which said Deed the said Elizabeth declared she had also well understood the contents of and forthwith did and doth hereby approve ratify and confirm.

In testimony of all which the said Elizabeth hath requested this act and after it being duly read, hath there under set her usual mark, a cross …
in the presence of Michael Preston[?];John Porter [?or Foster?] Esqs the said Witnesses [crossed out: "and"], who with me the said Notary have also set their names there under the day & year aforewritten.
[signature:] John Foster [?] Elizabeth   X   Holmes
[signature:] Michael Preston
[illegible word]

(Typed by my court stenographer cousin, James Johnson, abt. 2001 and unable to locate for permission to use.)