
Monday, April 11, 2011

Orin Dewolf's Will -- New York -- Amanuensis Monday

Orin DeWolf   Deceased
Proven May 23rd, 1898

In the name of God, amen: I Orin DeWolf, of the town of Stafford, in the County of Genesee and State of New York of [sic] the age of Seventy-five years, and being of sound mind and memory, do make, publish and declare, this my last Will and Testament in manner following, That is to say.

First, after all my lawful debts are paid, I give and bequeath to my wife, Zobeide DeWolf all of my personal estate, goods and chattels of what nature or kind so ever.
Second, I give and bequeath to my said wife, Zobeide DeWolf, all of my Real Estate, that may belong to me at the time of my decease, together with all the hereditaments and appurtenants  thereunto belonging to have and to hold the same--

And I hereby appoint my said wife Zobeide DeWolf to be sole executrix of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former wills by me made.

In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this 13 day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty.  Orin DeWolf  (seal)

The above instrument consisting of one sheet was at the date thereof, signed, sealed, published and declared by the said Orin DeWolf as and for his last Will and Testament, in presence of us, who, at his request and in his presence, and in the presence of each other, have subscribed our names as witnesses thereto.

Abner W. King, Stafford, Genesee Co., N. Y.
Henry G. Vallett, Stafford, Genesee County, New York
The People of the State of New York, By the Grace of God Free and Independent :
To Lydia A. Kellogg, Mary C. Tuttle, John H. DeWolf, Sprague P. DeWolf, Emily J. Mann, Albert DeWolf, Sanford E. DeWolf, Helen I. Sprague, Henry C. DeWolf, Nancy A. Ball and Zobeida Gray, (Note: His wife, Zobeide is not listed because she is now deceased.)
heirs at law and next of kin of Orin DeWolf late of the town of Bethany in the County of Genesee, deceased, GREETING :

You and each of you are cited to appear before the Surrogate of the County of Genesee, at his office in the town of Batavia, in said County, on the 23rd day of May 1898, at ten o'clock, in the forenoon of that day, to attend the proof and probate of the last Will and Testament of said deceased, which relates to real and personal estate, and is presented for proof and probate by Orin J. DeWolf  Executor therein named.

And those of you who are under the age of twenty-one years are required to appear by your guardian, if you have one ; if you have none, that you appear and apply for one to be appointed. In the event of your neglect or failure to do so, a guardian will be appointed by the Surrogate to represent and act for you in this proceeding.

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, we have caused the seal of office of our said Surrogate to be hereunto affixed.
WITNESS, SANFORD E. NORTH, Surrogate of our said County, at the Village of Batavia, the 2nd day of April A. D. 1898
F. A. Lewis, Clerk Surrogate's Court.

Copy of Will obtained by my cousin, Claire.

“State of New York, County of Genesee.
Recorded Feby. 21, 1919, at 3 o’clock P.N. in Liber 235
Of Deeds at page 231, and examined.
C. B. Pixley   Clerk”
Amanuensis Monday was begun by John Newmark of the TransylvanianDutch blog. The term means, "a person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another." Many bloggers enjoy doing this because it allows them to freely copy something that has been written.