
Monday, August 15, 2011

Will of Amos H. Adams of Batavia, New York -- Amanuensis Monday

Amos Adams left a very detailed will; naming 10 people, a cemetery and a church as beneficiaries. Most interesting to me, were all the books he wanted his niece to have, and she was fortunate to receive pictures of her grandparents as well. A copy of the will was obtained by my cousin, Claire and sent to me. Amos was my 1st cousin, 4 times removed.
I, Amos H. Adams, of the town of Batavia, County of Genesee and State of New York, being of sound mind and memory, do make, publish and declare this my last will and testament, in manner following, that is to say:-

1st  I direct that all my just debts and funeral expenses be paid.

            2nd  I give and bequeath to my niece, Ada Sherwin the following articles of personal property, to wit:-

Six hair cloth chairs and one hair cloth rocker; six cane seat chairs, one black walnut upholstered rocker, one upholstered chair, one gold chair, hair cloth sofa, marble top table, three round top Bible stands, two card stands, 1 whatnot, picture of Mrs. Adams and easel as it stands, two brussels carpets, grey rug 36 x 72 inches, “Christ weeping over Jerusalem”, “Orient Landscape”; “The birth of Christ”; “Christ before Pilate”; oil painting of Calla lilies; oil painting 36 x 21; pictures of my father and mother Adams; 4 pictures of Voyage of life; picture of Lincoln and three generals; 20 views of Centennial Exposition; Poem read by the Rev. C. A. Johnson at the fiftieth anniversary of the marriage of myself and wife. Also books, Missionary sketches, Rainsford’s Sermons, Odd Fellows keep sake, Bible vs. Tradition, Life Of Adoniram Judson, “Cast adrift”, “The Pillar of Fire”, “Pilgrims Progress”, “The two-fold life”, “Life of Martha and Mary Washington”, “The great cities of the world”, “God against Slavery”, “Gensie Walton”, “ Samantha among the brethren’, “A wind flower”, Cyclopedia Vols. I, II, III, Lady’s book, “Museum of Antiquities”; “ Genesee County, N.Y.”, Barnes notes I, II Vols. “Prohibition”, Wendell Philips, “American Wheat Culturist”, Sermons Fifth Series”; Ladies Wreath, Field Dungeon and escape; “History of the Secret Service”, “The Psalmist”, Theodosia Vols. I, II, “Fleetwood’s Life of Christ”, “Glory of Immortal Life” “Odd Fellows Offering,” “Home of the Bible”, “Life of Charles H. Spurgeon,” “Around the world with eyes wide open”, Dictionary of the Bible, Compendium of Cooking and reliable receipts, Webster’s Dictionary, 5 pairs lace curtains in parlor, one pair chenille draperies, The old family Bible, Pictures of A.H. Adams and pictures of Mrs. A.H. Adams and frames in sitting-room, sewing machine, hanging lamp, side board, writing desk, 6 silver table spoons, 9 silver tea spoons, 3 Albums (ends without a period, and a lot of free space). (Note: Typed as written.)

            3rd  To Ella Sherwin, daughter of the said Ada Sherwin, I give and bequeath the following articles of personal property, to wit:-
1 china set, 1 cake basket, 1 castor, 1 pickle dish, 1 water pitcher, 1 mug, 1 goblet, 1 bedstead and bedding in back chamber, up stairs.

            4th  To Mrs. Albert Fanchier of Bethany, N.Y., I give and bequeath the following articles of personal property, to wit:-
1 bedroom dresser, 1 commode and stool in my sleeping room, 1 couch in kitchen, 1 bedstead up stairs, sitting room carpet, 3 pairs lace curtains in my sleeping room.

            5th  To Charles DeWolf of Batavia, N.Y., (my nephew) I give and bequeath the following articles of personal property, to wit:-
1 dresser, stand and commode in chamber and all my wearing apparel, setting room table and lamp, 1 couch in sitting-room, 6 flag bottom chairs, 1 cracker dish, a Boston rocker, 1 patent rocker, 3 camp chairs, also two hundred dollars in cash.

            6th  To Addie DeWolf, daughter of Charles DeWolf I give and bequeath the following article of personal property, to wit:-
1 bed and bedding, in room over sitting room.

            7th  To Loren Cooper, daughter of Fred Cooper, Batavia, N.Y.
I give and bequeath one silver tea set of five pieces, presented to me on the 25th anniversary of my marriage.

`           8th  To Arden Smith, daughter of Fred W. Smith, of Batavia, N.Y.
I give and bequeath one silver tea set of five pieces presented to me on the fiftieth anniversary of my marriage.

            9th  To Thirza Hawley of Batavia, N.Y., I give and bequeath the following articles of personal property, to wit:-
            The carpet in my bed-room, mirror in sitting-room, 1 willow rocker, 1 sitting-room coal stove, 1 picture of Mt. Vernon, also books: “Battle of the Union”, “The Great Rebellion”, “To the Work” by D.L. Moody, “Life and Times of Abraham Lincoln,” From the Manger to the Throne”, “Pathway of Life”, “What can a woman do”, “Ministry of Healing”, "Penticost”.

            10th  To Nellie Fox and Marea Fox, nieces of my deceased wife, I give and bequeath the following personal property, to wit:-
Bed stead and bedding in my bedroom.

11th  To Lulu E. Fox niece of my deceased wife, I give the following personal property, to wit:-
1 bed stead and bedding in front room up stairs.

            12th  I give and bequeath the use and income of five hundred dollars to the First Baptist Church of Batavia, N.Y., formerly known as the Baptist Society of Batavia Village, N.Y., during its corporate existence – the income from said fund to be used for charitable purposes and for such other necessary wants as said Church shall stand in need; and said Church is hereby through its proper officers authorized to receive, in trust, such fund of $500, from my executor hereinafter named, but on condition that it gives security for the safe keeping and investment of the same in safe securities or by deposit in some reliable Savings Bank of this state.

            And in case it shall appear that said Church can not legally act as trustee to receive said $500, and disburse its income as above provided, then said fund of $500, to remain in the hands of my said executor as such trustee or his legally appointed successor or successors, to be invested in safe securities or deposited in such Saving Bank as he may select and he is hereby directed to pay over the income from time to time to said Church during its said Corporate existence.

            13th  I hereby give and bequeath to The Elmwood Cemetery Association of Batavia, N.Y. one hundred dollars in trust to invest the same and use the annual interest or income to be derived therefrom for the care of my burial lot.

            14th  I hereby devise and bequeath to “The Baptist Education Society of the State of New York”, located at Hamilton, N.Y., all the rest and residue of my estate both real and personal, in trust, to be invested in safe securities or deposited in some safe Savings Bank of this State to use the interest or income to be derived therefrom for charitable purposes for the support of indigent young men who desire to enter the Baptist Ministry under the auspices of the said “The Baptist Education Society of the State of New York” subject to such provisions as to the sale of the real estate by my executor as is hereinafter provided.

            I hereby authorize my executor hereinafter named to sell all the real estate that I may own at the time of my decease, wherever the same may be situated, and to rent and collect the income from the same, until sold, for the purpose of carrying out all the provisions of this Will, which may require the payment of money, including the devise and bequest to “The Baptist Education Society of the State of New York” to use the income therefrom according to the conditions provided for in the 14th provision of this Will; and my said executor is further authorized to deed and convey said real estate or any part thereof unsold by him to the said “The Baptist Education Society of the State of New York:, in trust, for the purposes of aforesaid.

            Lastly I hereby nominate and appoint my friend Charles R. Gould of Batavia, N.Y. to be the executor of this my last Will and Testament, to give security required by law, as in cases of Administration, hereby revoking all former Wills by me made.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this 29th day of June, A.D., 1901.

                                                            Amos H. Adams

We, whose names are hereto subscribed, do certify that Amos H. Adams the testator, subscribed his name to this instrument in our presence and in the presence of each of us, and at the same time, in our presence and hearing, declared the same to be his last will and testament, and requested us and each of us, to sign our names thereto as witnesses to the execution thereof, which we hereby do in the presence of the testator and of each other, on the day of the date of the said Will and write opposite our names our respective places of residence.

                                                            Geo. D. Williamson
                                                            Batavia, N.Y.

                                                            Charles E. Reed
                                                            Batavia, N.Y.
H.B. Cone
Batavia, N.Y.

Surrogate’s Court
Amos H. Adams, DECEASED


Proven December 23, 1907
State of New York
County of Genesse
Recorded on the 18th
Day of January, 1908 at 11:15 o’clock, a.m. in Liber
202 of Deeds, at page 33
And examined.
C. B. Pixley, Clerk
Amanuensis Monday was begun by John Newmark of the TransylvanianDutch blog. The term means, "a person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another." Many bloggers enjoy doing this because it allows them to freely copy something that has been written.