
Friday, August 26, 2011

New England Blogger Bash, the Week Before -- Londonderry, New Hampshire

The lighthouse is in Maine, I took the picture to use as our logo.
Sharing some recent photos of Londonderry, to give you an idea of the town.

Below photos taken last week in Londonderry.
This smiling face will greet you on Saturday.
Vincent Rojo on the left, will also greet you, he is with my husband.

Searching for Roger Clap's Burial Place, Found in Front of Me!

With a detailed map, a photo copied from flickr, what more did I need? The old cemetery is located in Boston, I've been there many times, and have known for at least 10 years that Roger Clap was buried there. So why couldn't I find his grave? The answer will surprise you.

Boston, Massachusetts
King's Chapel photos.

 Shot of some stones from the church cemetery. Once home, I enlarged it, and saw Roger Clap's name on the stone.
Roger Clap
Born:  April 06, 1609, England
Died:  February 02, 1691, Boston, Suffolk Co., Massachusetts

His wife,
(buried next to him)
Joanna Ford
Born: June 8, 1619, England
Died:  June 29, 1695, Boston, Suffolk Co., Massachusetts

Map provided by the Church, Roger is in the third line from the bottom, where the dark circle is. I couldn't locate the stone because I was using the photo below as my guide, hunting for a crooked stone.

You can see, the photographer was the problem!