
Saturday, October 8, 2011

Saturday Night Genealogy Fun

Randy Seaver's Genea-Musings Saturday Night Genealogy Fun project is, "should you decide to accept it, is to:

1)  If you have your family tree research in a Genealogy Management Program (GMP), whether a computer software program or an online family tree, figure out how to find how many persons, places, sources, etc. are in your database (hint:  the Help button is your friend!).

2)  Tell us which GMP you use, and how many persons, places, sources, etc. are in your database(s) today in a blog post of your own, in a comment to this blog post, or in a Facebook status or Google+ stream comment."

I decided to do this because I was suddenly curious about my statistics and because it was easy.

Now I know why I don't remember where I found things, or who all my ancestors are. It is imperative that I keep better records too. Thanks Randy for this fun project.

I used RootsMagic 4 for this project.

*  People: 40281
*  Families:  15963
*  Events: 57685
*  Alternate names: 82
*  Places: 7461
*  Sources: 1188
*  Citations: 45272
*  Repositories: 99
*  To-do tasks: 0
*  Multimedia items: 195
*  Multimedia links: 192
*  Addresses: 1
*  Correspondence: 0