
Friday, October 28, 2011

My Happy Birthday to Webinars -- Follow Friday

A year ago, I did a post called, "Webinar -- New Family History Technology" At that time, I had viewed a few webinars, and the concept was still new to many of us. Now, every week, somebody is presenting one, and I try to listen and watch as many as I can. The speakers are now more familiar with presenting their topics, and newer lecturers are joining in. You can't lose in this win-win situation, especially if they are free.

During the past year, I listened to topics such as: Google for Genealogists, all the RootsMagic topics, Blogging for Beginners, Backing up your genealogy data, Twitter and Tweet Deck, Facebook for Genealogists, Google Docs, Labeling Digital Photos, Dropbox for Genealogists, Family History's Next Generation, and Let your Voice be Heard in the Digital Conversion.

Are you missing out on these valuable topics? Why not check the up-coming ones out, and sign-up. They are for everybody, not just bloggers.

A short write-up on various sponsors:

RootsMagic Inc.  The genealogy software company offers 26 sessions, and I have attended all because I am currently learning this program. All lectures are archived. Has a new "Family Tree Maker: New Features" seminar scheduled for November 9, 2011.  In addition they have archived sessions that go back several years.

Legacy Family Tree: Has a wide variety of lectures, and great speakers. In addition, there are many archived webinars for you to listen to and/or watch. You can also purchase past lectures.

From the Southern California Genealogical Society (SCGS) and Family Research Library, the Jamboree Extension Series.

A blog site: GeneaWebinars posts upcoming webinars with all information as soon as they are announced. Very nice to have a blog just for genealogy webinars (this site includes all of the above companies). Click on subjects that interest you for the specifics, and note, not all are free.