
Friday, November 4, 2011

Want to Read about Executions for Follow Friday?

While looking for some background information on somebody in my family, a google search brought me to an interesting site called An NYCHS Timeline on Executions by Hanging in New York State. The NYCHS stands for New York Correction History Society. Not only did I find information on my guy, but a lot on others who committed crimes. The timeline covers 1779 to 1824, and many listed were convicted for being spies, robbers or murderers. A few of the names will be recognizable by some of you. Sure made for some interesting reading.

The NYCHS also has a webpage New York Correction History Society which is a "resource for NY correction history --- 7000+ files of text & images totaling 460+ Mbs."

Any idea who I am going to write about? His wife was my 4th great-grandaunt.