
Thursday, November 17, 2011

A Surprising Survey

Bill West, in front, at the NEHGS Library.
Every Wednesday for many years, the New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS) has been posting The Weekly Genealogist, a free internet magazine, or ezine online. During the past year, one of their features has been a short survey, pertaining to various aspects of genealogy. I've been wondering if they were ever going to cover blog questions.

Well they finally covered blogs, and the survey was posted yesterday. I wrote NEHGS to get permission to print their results. Their reply was, "We've certainly had a range of responses to our blog survey questions – from people asking what a blog is to people saying they follow hundreds.  It is interesting that there is such a variety of experiences."

"Last week’s survey asked how many genealogical blogs you follow. The results are:
  • 60%, I follow no blogs.
  • 24%, I follow 1–2 blogs.
  • 10%, I follow 3–5 blogs.
  • 2%, I follow 6–10 blogs.
  • 3%, I follow over ten blogs."

Wow, 60% don't follow anybody and only 3% follow more than ten blogs.
I know most of my followers are also bloggers. If I want to reach those who don't blog or don't know what a blog is, perhaps there needs to be a way to reach that population. Magazines may write about blogs, but how good of a job are they doing, are they really explaining them, and giving examples? As a blogger, I can't reach those 60% because they don't follow anybody.

What's the purpose of blogging, other than sharing, hoping to make connections or trying to get readers to buy products listed on their site so they can make money? Now, I'm trying to justify my blog. Do I want to reach the 60% or should I be content with the possibility of reaching just 3%. I'm not trying to make money, just want to share and help, so am I wasting my time?

Note: I received a message from NEHGS this morning. Lynn wrote: "Just over 2,000 people replied to that survey."