
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Thankful Thursday -- A Good Habit

Betsy (Wright) Graves
My 3rd great-grandaunt
I have very few family photos, so when a distant cousin gave me permission to use his, I'm very thankful. Back in 2002, I corresponded with Dave regarding Jesse Wright and his daughter Betsy (Wright) Graves, see above. One of my best habits has been putting emails and addresses from people inquiring about a person in my tree, into my genealogy software Notes Section. So, when 9 years later somebody inquires about this line, I know to go to that person in the database and check the Notes Section to see if anybody else has that line.

Today, I did just that. It's nice to put the new person in contact with Dave, and I hope they have a connection. The other day, Dave was kind enough to give me permission to share his collection of photos, on flickr and the ones above are my first.