
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Can't Read a Will? -- Tuesday's Tip

Have you ever tried to read a will, either an old one or a more recent one? Since I've been blogging, I've transcribed at least 10, and have had problems with reading the handwriting on all of them. The other day, while typing up my most recent for the post for yesterday, I discovered a way to figure out what some of the words were. I don't believe I've ever seen this method before. Being a huge user of Google, I decided to type in some key words, both before my unknown word/s and some key words after the unknown. Below, I give two examples of what I was up against, and Google helped!

I used these Key Words: lastly as to all the rest residue ___ whether real or personal (I knew I was missing about four words).
Correct: All the rest, residue and remainder of my estate, whether real, personal.

I used these Key Words: Decease her ____  apparel is to be given to my
Correct:  Decease her wearing apparel is to be given to my