
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Rockport, Massachusetts -- War Memorial

These Our Dead in Honored Glory Rest
Located in Rockport, Massachusetts
World War I
1917    1918

James E. Bryan
John A. Carlson
Dwight P. Dutton
Edward R. Everett
Harold T. Grover
Edward Peterson
World War II
1941    1946

Carl E. Bannon
Robert M. Barrett
Phillips H. Bradley
Vincent Charte, Jr.
George L. Costa
Garder J. Garrett
William Hakala
Arthur L. Johnson
Leon W. Kantala
Donald F. MacEachern
George C. Mills
Anthony J. Pascucci
Glenn M. Rowe
Charles W. Sears
George A. Sears
Dean K. Selig

I couldn't decide which photo I liked the best of Motif Number 1, so I posted them both.